Thomas Lipschultz ~April/May 1999 Untitled [1] Dinner is SERVE is struck to Pele who eats his roll and WOW he's on a roll and then the butter FINGERS kicks and what the hell is this? Banana cream boot slams and the ball is out-of-bounds. Untitled [2] robot robot buzz buzz zippy zip see it grow to tv air and lift me away WHEE ---- I'm a radio wave in bold infatuated pockets of clear blue yonder hills come here pocket knife cuts through zapped in "tv is on " yeah good show radio announcement couch potato Untitled [3] All in the Family -- Those were the days. We were dazed, Bang the keys, tune, Ivory and black ash, Burning elephants of fury, Bumblebee in midflight, Evil serenades, Calm ocean breezes, Life, Living, Me, You, Us, Never forget that melody.