Tanka Odes Thomas Lipschultz 3/1/00 1 Puddles of what the... My feet are really dirty And with each footstep They leave puddles of what the... I should just go back to bed 2 Those filthy bastards! Taking away my single What should I do now? That guy looks pretty hungry I'll give him an eraser 3 Dawson's Creek is on! I'm craving some cottage cheese But I'll miss the show! What should I do about it? Get some at the commercial... 4 I'm everyone's friend Everybody loves me (werd!) But deep down inside I'm full of torment and hate I just put up lots of walls 5 Street Fighter Alpha Mortal Kombat 1 is best Blanka Blanka Bla... Oh look, it's Napster! NAPSTER! He's gonna be president