PSYCHOSTALKER: a live-action role-playing game (LARP) based on the PlayStation game "Clock Tower" Rules and Information Goal: If you're one of the VICTIMS, your goal is to escape from Pfahler before the PsychoStalker kills you. If you're the PsychoStalker, your goal is to kill all of the participating VICTIM characters before they escape. If you're a ZOMBIE (a dead victim), your goal (should you choose not to leave and go home a failure) is to aid the PsychoStalker by changing around the placement of KEYS, DOOR LOCKS, WEAPONS, and CLUES to make things more difficult for the other VICTIMS. Movement: the PsychoStalker is slightly restricted in terms of movement. He/she must walk at an even pace, and must never run. If hiding, the PsychoStalker must clap his/her hands when "jumping out" at any nearby VICTIMS so that the VICTIMS have a chance of escape. The PsychoStalker is obliged to *run* IF AND ONLY IF he is specifically being chased by someone whom he/she knows (beyond a shadow of a doubt) has the ARTIFACT. VICTIMS, however, have no such restrictions to their movement. Nor do ZOMBIES. Further rules are detailed below. Setup: Before play, the PsychoStalker must go to Pfahler alone and place DOOR LOCKS, KEYS, and WEAPONS (minimum door locks: all Pfahler exits. Minimum weapons: one per victim). In an extended play game, he/she must also place the ARTIFACT somewhere on campus and place CLUES throughout Pfahler as to its whereabouts. Extended play rules: Before beginning the game, the PsychoStalker must place a special ARTIFACT at a campus location somewhat distant from Pfahler. He/she must also place CLUES throughout Pfahler which hint at its whereabouts (don't be too difficult with hints!). Upon escape, each VICTIM is obliged to seek out the ARTIFACT, then return to Pfahler with it (assuming it hasn't already been claimed by another player) and attempt to touch the PsychoStalker with it, effectively killing him/her and winning the game for the remaining VICTIMS. The PsychoStalker, in this case, must now attempt to avoid contact with the ARTIFACT, but is still capable of killing the person holding it. If this occurs, the ARTIFACT falls to the ground as any item does when a VICTIM gets killed, and is now available for the taking by any other VICTIM or ZOMBIE character. Rules for locked doors: If a door has a DOOR LOCK on it (without a KEY attached to it), it's locked and can only be opened from the inside (unless you're a ZOMBIE, in which case you can open ANY door, whether locked or not). If a student who is not involved in the game happens to open the door, however, you are free to enter at will until such time as the door closes. YOU MAY NOT PROP DOORS, HOWEVER. If you find a KEY, take it, and note what number/letter/make it is. If the DOOR LOCK matches this number/letter/make, attach the KEY to the DOOR LOCK with Scotch tape or some such thing. You, as well as the other players (victim and PsychoStalker alike) are now able to enter this room at will. Note, though, that a KEY which has been attached to a DOOR LOCK is not permanent. Any VICTIM or ZOMBIE character may remove the KEY and take it, effectively locking the door once again. The PsychoStalker, however, may not remove KEYS from DOOR LOCKS. Rules for attacking the PsychoStalker: If a VICTIM has a WEAPON in his/her possession, he/she may throw it at the PsychoStalker IF AND ONLY IF the PsychoStalker is within sight, has noticed him/her, and is approaching. If the WEAPON misses, tough nuggies. If the WEAPON hits, the PsychoStalker must speed up slightly (without running), find the nearest staircase, ascend or descend it, and enter the nearest unlocked room. During this time, the PsychoStalker is incapable of pursuing any VICTIMS. Once these steps have been completed, however, he/she is free to continue gameplay as if nothing had happened. As a VICTIM, a successful hit means that the PsychoStalker is temporarily going to be in a state of escape, giving you a chance to do the same. Be sure to pick up your WEAPON again, though -- if you don't, then another VICTIM or ZOMBIE might snag it before you get a chance. ZOMBIES cannot attack the PsychoStalker, though they may carry WEAPONS or the ARTIFACT. The PsychoStalker, however, is not allowed to pick up WEAPONS or the ARTIFACT. How to kill people, and what to do if killed: As the PsychoStalker, you need only touch a VICTIM to kill him/her. Any sort of physical contact constitutes death. If a VICTIM dies, he/she must remove all of his/her WEAPONS and KEYS and place them on the ground (or tape them to the wall) nearby. This VICTIM then becomes a ZOMBIE, at which point he/she is obliged to either (A) leave Pfahler and quit, or (B) have fun messing with people by taking KEYS, DOOR LOCKS, CLUES, and WEAPONS and placing them elsewhere. The only restrictions to ZOMBIE movements are as follows: (1) a ZOMBIE may only carry one item at a time (one KEY, one DOOR LOCK, one CLUE, one WEAPON, or the ARTIFACT). (2) a ZOMBIE may *not* place any item in a location in which it would be impossible to retrieve (i.e. a bronze KEY inside a room with a bronze DOOR LOCK). (3) a ZOMBIE may *not* pick up an item with no intention of putting it down -- if you pick it up, you have to put it somewhere a.s.a.p. (4) a ZOMBIE may *not* pick up any of the items he/she was carrying upon death -- in other words, a ZOMBIE may not loot his/her own booty. Until the items are moved by someone else, they are off-limits. Note also that ZOMBIES are the only players capable of actually picking up DOOR LOCKS or CLUES. Upon exiting Pfahler: Unlock one of Pfahler's exit doors as you would any door, but also tape your EXIT SIGN to the wall next to the door, signifying that you've succeeded in escaping (which, in a normal non-extended game, means you won). In an extended play game, your EXIT SIGN *remains taped up* even after returning -- it is a sign of accomplishment, not a signifier that you're outside. Also note that, once a KEY is taped to the DOOR LOCK on a building's exit, as with any door, *anyone* is capable of leaving the building (except for the PsychoStalker, who must remain in Pfahler during the entire course of the game). Game Items: KEY An index card / piece of paper / etc. marked with some sort of indication that it represents a key and what KIND of key it represents (KEY A, BRONZE KEY, FIRST FLOOR KEY, etc.) DOOR LOCK A large sheet of paper which says something like "This door is locked by KEY A". CLUE A large sheet of paper containing written information hinting at the location of the ARTIFACT. Meant to be read without being touched/moved, but ZOMBIES are capable of taking/moving it. WEAPON A Nerf ball or other non-dangerous projectile item, preferrably with some marking indicating that it's a WEAPON. ARTIFACT An item, of any sort, that one might be able to successfully poke/prod the PsychoStalker with. A wand shape might be nice. EXIT SIGN A piece of paper identifying the name of the VICTIM and saying that the person has escaped from Pfahler and should be lauded for it. Each VICTIM begins the game with this in his/her possession.