OSWALD by Thomas Lipschultz 4/17/98 Every day, Walter would walk through Boston on his way to work. Where he worked is irrelevant, and even why he was walking instead of driving there is irrelevant. Let's just say, for argument's sake, that he worked in a fish cannery and walked because his 1951 Ford kept breaking down and he figured it'd be worthless to try to fix it nowadays. Sound good? NO? Then get the hell out! Oops, sorry. Outburst. Won't happen again, I promise. Anyway, like I said, it's irrelevant, and even if it WERE relevant, I sure wouldn't tell YOU now. Hmph. But, I keep getting off-track. Some people, boy, I'll tell ya'... ANYWAY, Walter would walk through Boston on his way to work every day. One day, he saw a BEAUTIFUL WOMAN dressed all in red leaning against the wall of a nearby tailor shop. However, Walter could only see her back side, for she was leaning against her elbows staring into the brick wall. Still, she was a vision, even if he could only see her hair, back, legs, and buttocks. He wanted to approach her, but couldn't work up the courage. So he went on his way. The next day, he saw the same woman in the same spot. And the next. And the next. And the next. And the next three. And the next five after that. And the next seventy-two after even that. And the next three-hundred-seventy-nine after the seventy-two after the five after the three after the three ones. Damn, she had no life. Still, he wanted her. He wanted her BAD. One day, a mysterious stranger showed up in his workplace, which I believe I deemed to be a cannery or something, but like I said, that's irrelevant. You'll see why at the end. What, you want to know now? Well THAT'S TOO DAMN BAD! So ha, I'm the storyteller, I have the ULTIMATE POWER! MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! ... Ouch! What was that for, buttmunch? Sheesh. Fine, I'll get back to the story. Happy now? Idiot. Ouch! Oh, OK, here's the story. One day, a mysterious stranger in a black blazer showed up in his workplace. He introduced himself as Oswald, Keeper of the Heart. Walter figured he was some kinda screwball, but then Oswald mentioned the "backwards red woman at the tailor shop," and Walter immediately stopped juggling his collection of captured pygmy women and gave his full attention to Oswald. Oswald said that if Walter wanted to, he could spin the woman around and she'd give him a big wet kiss and be his forever. Walter said WOW, and went on with his day. The next day, Walter couldn't quite work up the courage, so he just walked to work again. And the next. And the next. And the next nine-hundred-forty-three. And the next six- hundred-million-five-hundred-ninety-two-thousand-seven- hundred-eighty-four after the nine-hundred-forty-three after the three ones. Then he worked up the courage one day. He walked up to the woman and spun her around. That's when he realized that she was just Oswald in drag. Oswald grinned.