MI CASA ES SU REVOLVER a really disturbingly weird and possibly annoying but also rather short and therefore not so bad so please bear with it play by Thomas Lipschultz 12/29/98 Cast of characters: * Herman Melville, the garbageman * Marsha Melville, the garbageman's wife * Heavy Bob Klosnewskivewitz, Herman and Marsha's daughter * Abe Racadabra, a travelling mad scientist * the director (must be played by the director) * Police Chief Dax (can be male or female) Oh, did I mention that that's supposed to be read aloud by the director? Pre-start settings: an area with a few chairs should be set aside and marked off as "Penalty Box". There should be a round table with at least 4 chairs seated around it center- stage. Each actor/actress MUST contribute one prop to be placed on the table for use in scene five. What it is and how it's used is completely up to him/her, and indeed, who uses it and how S/HE uses it is completely up to the entire acting party. However, each prop MUST be used AT LEAST ONCE during scene five. Heh heh heh... Also, if people try to get up out of their seats during the course of the play, all actors/actresses are encouraged to interrupt the play and send them to the "Penalty Box" (unless they persist otherwise). DIRECTOR: Note to the audience: no matter what happens, big or small, you are all to remain seated during the course of this play (unless, of course, there's some sort of emergency that requires your efforts, but it better be a DAMN good reason). In addition, please note that scene five of this play will be almost complete improvisation by the entire acting party. They will be supplied with the scene five script, which not a single one of them has yet seen, immediately prior to the start of scene five. They have been instructed to follow that script as closely as possible without pause, and have also been told to utilize the props which you see before you on this table, which have been contributed by each of them. There are also several scenes during the course of the play which require improvisation on various actors' or actress' parts. Hopefully, none of you will be able to tell when these scenes occur. DIRECTOR: That having been said... SCENE THREE. Props: Herm, Mar, Bob, and Dax are seated around a table. HERM: Damnit, Chief! How do we get him out of the basement? DAX: I can go down there and arrest him, I suppose... BOB: Yeah, but he said he was doin' some weird dimensional crap, and that anyone who went down there would be -- DAX: (interrupting) warped to another dimension, I know. MAR: So aren't you just the teensiest bit concerned, Chief? DAX: Why should I be? This dimension sucks, so why not go somewhere else? HERM: 'Cause somewhere else might suck just as much. DAX: Point taken. Say... where'd you get that scar? PERSON POINTED TO: DAX: Ah, I see. Sorry to bring it up! PERSON POINTED TO: PERSON TO THE RIGHT OF PERSON POINTED TO: PERSON POINTED TO: DAX: PERSON ACROSS FROM PERSON POINTED TO: OK, I think that's going a bit too far, Chief. DAX: Yeah, you're right. Sorry. MAR: So it's settled then. Chief Dax is going into the basement. BOB: Yes, it's settled. HERM: Definitely settled. DAX: Yeah, I'm going. DIRECTOR: SCENE TWO. Props: Herm, Mar, and Bob are seated at the table. Doorbell rings. BOB: I'll get it! HERM: Police Chief Dax, I presume? DAX: That's my name, don't wear it out. HERM: I'm Herman Melville. DAX: Wow, THE Herman Melville?! HERM: Yep. Herman Melville, mayor and namesake of the city of Melville. MAR: Not only mayor, but also garbageman! HERM: I like to give back to the people. Or take from them, as the case may be. I work for Moby Dick's Garbage Service. DAX: Well now, this is quite an honor! So then, is this the wife? MAR: Marsha Melville. Thewife is my middle name, not my first. DAX: Ah, I see. And who's this charming little number? BOB: I'm their daughter, Heavy Bob Klosnewskivewitz. My name used to be Amy Melville, but I had it changed. DAX: Why? BOB: 'Cause Heavy Bob Klosnewskivewitz is my hero! She's that awesome 3-year-old Vietnamise lesbian prostitute superheroine from the 60s, who always wore that Superman-esque shirt that said "Stay In School" on it. DAX: DIRECTOR: A... uh... somebody call 911! This is NOT supposed to be happening! DAX: That was a test of your loyalty, you naughty audience you. And don't think s/he is the last one, either. Many more of you will follow. I'll make sure of it. Mwa ha. Mwa ha ha. Mwa ha ha ha. DIRECTOR: Oh, get on with it already! DAX: Very well. So what seems to be the trouble, Mr. Melville? HERM: A mad scientist knocked at our door, and when we let him in, he -- DAX: You let him in?! HERM: Yes, well, um... BOB: MAR: HERM: DAX: Ah, I see. Please continue. HERM: Anyway, we let him in, and he said his name was Abe, I believe. Abe Racadabra. And he made a beeline for our basement door, and said something about turning our house into a -- MAR: -- a revolver. He wants to destroy Djibouti, or Russia, or -- BOB: -- or something. MAR: And he likes to work with other dimensions. DAX: Uh, OK... Shall we sit down and discuss the situation? HERM: Uh, yeah, let's. DIRECTOR: SCENE ONE. Props: Herm, Mar, and Bob are sitting at the table. Dax is gone. The doorbell rings. BOB: I'll -- HERM: -- get -- MAR: -- it! ABE: Greetings, Earthlings! BOB: Abe! What are you doing here?! ABE: Putting our plan into action, baby! Soon we'll be able to scorch Djibouti and build a house there, just for the two of us! HERM: Greetings, stranger! You're here to destroy Russia, right? ABE: You betcha, boss. I know how quickly you need this done. If Russia's wiped out, I can get the Russian mafia off your ass. HERM: Why, you say your name is Abe Racadabra? Pleased to meet you! ABE: You as well! And who's the lady? MAR: Marsha Melville. Charmed, I'm sure. You're here for Russia and Djibouti, right? ABE: You know? MAR: HERM: So, you say you're here to fix our basement? Why, Bob, would you please show this gentleman to our basement? BOB: Sure thing! ABE: BOB: MAR: I heard that! BOB: Now this basement door always sticks, so somebody else is gonna have to open it. Maybe a penalized audience member or something. ABE: Of course, you all know that I plan to destroy the whole world, not just a few puny countries! Mwa ha! Mwa ha ha! I can rule the world by being its only inhabitant, and your house can be the murder weapon! HERM: But it's only supposed to be Russia! Er... BOB: No, only Djibouti! Um... MAR: