Weren't You In...? Thomas Lipschultz 10/2/00 I was in the background. Nobody cared when I passed down the street. No one shouted my name. No one wanted me to sign their books, posters, chests. Sometimes a cab driver would know me. He'd ask me, weren't you in...? I'd say no, and story over. I'm still in the background. But now I'm a big star. Now my name is everywhere. But still no one shouts it. They point, when I'm past, and say, he's a big star, he has his own movie. I'm known for one movie. I have nightmares about one movie. Maybe I don't own my mind. Maybe my mind is being sold. Maybe it costs $200 a pop. Hey, weren't you that puppeteer...? I'd say yes, and smile. Later, I'd have nightmares again.